Sell automated video courses

with a high-quality & functional membership area

Mentortools helps you create and sell digital video courses, even without technical skills, so you can build a long-term predictable income.

Our clients use Mentortools to achieve

2x Faster work
57% Increased customer satisfaction
34% More revenue

Uses of


Custom design

Create your custom design for an amazing user experience.

Ready-made course templates

Use our 100% ready-made courses to get started quickly.

Landing pages

Land emails and new members with our landing pages.

Sales-ready landing page templates

You can also use our marketing-optimized ready-made landing pages.

Time-controlled activation

Unlock content for your users on a scheduled basis.

Free video hosting

Upload unlimited videos at no extra cost.

Subscription products

Generate recurring, predictable revenue.

Affiliate support pages

Build active affiliate partners who sell your products.

GDPR compliant entries

Collect GDPR (data protection) compliant email addresses.

Employee training

Train your employees online to become experts.

See all the UNLIMITED features you get:

See all the features. Then try Mentortools for 0€.

What our clients think

David Wehnert

Wehnert & Plaikner Consulting

Mentortools is incredibly easy to use, the fixed monthly price is of course amazing and our VIP design looks great.

Zuzana Pilcikova


Mentortools is not only available in German. This is a huge advantage. My clients love the software and it saves me many hours of work.

Patrik Schmidlin

Sales Manager at & Affiliate Marketer

I recommend Mentortools to anyone who wants to quickly and easily automate sales. Mentortools\’ support team is very helpful and highly competent

Ralf Schmitz

We save an incredible amount of time with Mentortools because we can create our online courses at 10 times the speed compared to before. The support deserves 7 stars.

Sybille Engbers

Professional in its development, yet open to new ideas from outside, Mentortools is a platform that will help people achieve success they may not even know is possible.

René Fasching

I use Mentortools for myself and my agency clients. Mentortools is absolutely the best membership area I have seen.

Anastasia Romanova

Switching to Mentortools has saved me many stressful hours because the tool is really simple and allows you to quickly update courses and create new lessons. I 100% recommend it, it is amazing.

Heidrun Kuhn

Easy to understand, very helpful even for online business newbies. I now have more clarity, a major theme and a lot of motivation to get started with Mentortools. Very competent and user-friendly interface. A big thank you to Jakob, the support staff, and the whole team.

Jutta Martin

Jakob Hager's innovative software is insanely cool. I bought it as soon as I tested it. Highly recommend.

Katharina Hymer

Very competent team; great tool. Awesome support.

Tobias Starke

Head Coach and Founder traudich-jetzt UG

We as a coaching community are very happy to have found Mentortools as provider for our online courses. Mentortools fully meets our requirements. Mega customer service, flexibility in realizing our wishes and the fairest pricing on the market. Thank you!

Florian Schoel

Wir kennen ja den Jakob Hager schon länger. Was er da aufbaute mit dem Mentortools ist schon richtig cool. Aber das Wichtigste für uns ist die Tatsache , dass man keine Kundennummer ist, sondern ein Partner, dem rasch bei einem Problem geholfen wird. Das ist professionell. Danke an euer Team.

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Have you already uploaded a course?

If you currently have courses hosted by another provider, we offer to move all your content to Mentortools for free. This includes your online course structure with all its videos and attachments. All you need to do is grant membership access to your members by sending us your e-mail list. If your course is on your website, we can also help you transfer it to Mentortools.

With our unlimited fixed-price plan, we have both a cheaper and better feature set than other providers. Join us for free as long as you still have an annual contract with another provider.

Mentortools offers special marketing features and much more. When you sign up, we also offer free analysis and consultation to help you create a marketing strategy. Our customers notice a 34% increase in revenue when joining Mentortools.

Start using Mentortools now

See all the features. Then try Mentortools for 0€.